Cancer Coaching

Living with uncertainty whilst wanting to enjoy the moment is easier said than done when recovering from or living with cancer. No one chooses to have cancer but kindness and compassion can play a big part in moving forward. People often find they need emotional support after treatment has ended and it can be helpful to know that you’re not alone in coming to terms with what you’ve been through. Having worries, anxieties and concerns is normal once treatment has ended and whilst coaching won’t make these disappear we can explore tools and techniques to help you manage your emotions instead of being hijacked by them. Self-management is a way to empower people to take control of their lives by understanding thoughts and emotions, building mind muscles, identifying challenges, exploring different perspectives and setting goals and plans. Identity and a sense of self can be lost with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. For this reason, discovering innate strengths, values, meaning and purpose can also be a useful way of exploring your inner resourcefulness and resilience to navigate the path ahead and live more present and fully in the moment.


“Jane is calm, sensitive and supportive, so you will feel in safe hands!”.

“It has helped me accept my cancer more than I could have imagined”.

“Jane has been fantastic and helped me process my cancer diagnosis without directly discussing it. I feel in a much better headspace”.

“I have a fresh outlook on taking in beautiful things around me and being kinder to myself”.

“I was in a bad place for so long since my diagnosis, but after attending I am far more positive and feel there is a future”.