Coaching and Facilitation Options

  • Outdoor Wellbeing & Cancer Coaching

    “Jane has been fantastic, encouraging, positive and really taking her time to give each person space to discuss their emotions and offering useful quotes and sound advice to progress forwards and try new techniques.”

    I help people to navigate life’s ups and downs to achieve goals in areas of their personal and professional life that really matter. This includes cancer coaching for people recovering from or living with cancer and focuses on managing anxiety, increasing confidence and living well with cancer. Currently, I work with 4 different cancer charities, providing individual coaching and group support.

    My coaching style involves developing strengths, identifying values and exploring different perspectives to unblock inner barriers and emotions to gain clarity and direction.

    Where possible, I like to bring nature into our conversations and explore what we can learn about resilience from our natural environment.

    These sessions can take place face to face outdoors or virtually via Zoom.

    Walks can be arranged on the beautiful Isle of Purbeck or within a 30 mile radius. In the event of bad weather Zoom sessions will be offered as an alternative, by arrangement.

    1:1 Coaching - Free 30 minute introductory chemistry session via Zoom. The cost for a 1 hour session is £95. Weekly, monthly or seasonal packages are available.

    If outside, please consider bringing: an iPad, notepad or something to capture notes, outdoor clothing, trainers, a small rucksack, sunscreen, insect repellent and a cold drink. Toilets will be close by.

  • Group Coaching & Facilitation

    If there were no barriers what would excellent collaboration and trust look and feel like in your organisation?

    “The mere fact that we discussed it – it never happened before! It allowed me to send feedback to the senior directors pointing out that we need organizational structure and defined roles. We have since started this process”. Head of Culture and Development.

    More than walk and talk coaching, connecting with nature can inspire us and provide insights and perspectives that facilitate problem solving and inner resourcefulness. This can also be explored through various activities (from breadmaking to bushcraft) which can be organised on request, drawing on experience of team and leadership development events with a focus on experiential learning. A variety of locations are available in Purbeck or we can arrange a venue convenient for your needs .Please contact Jane for further information.

    Group Facilitation - Workshops on the following are available and start at £150 for a one hour session: Resilience, Giving & Receiving Feedback, Self Talk, Trust, Wheel of Wellbeing and Calming Your Inner Critic. Let’s explore options to meet your specific requirements.

  • Conversations Worth Having & Strategic Conversations (based on the principles of appreciative inquiry)

    Conversations Worth Having takes its principles from appreciative inquiry. The two core practices of generative questions and positive framing aim to fuel productivity, deal with conflict, communicate effectively, give and receive feedback and promote engagement and collaboration. 

    “The whole concept was useful in that it makes one think about things in a different, yet positive way” - Clinical Scientist NHS

    “I was able to reflect on a meeting I had recently and use the opportunity tree as a way of reframing the existing problems and I plan to use this approach with a management team when discussing culture within a service area. I also utilised some of the generative questions with colleagues and tried to explore possibilities with them rather than staying stuck in the problems” –

    Organisational Development Lead NHS

    Transform Polarization CWH For a More Civil Society