What is Coaching?


“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them learn rather than teaching them" (Whitmore, J, 2004)

Coaching is a process that allows an individual or group of people to reflect and gain awareness of who they are, what is important to them, their strengths, challenges, options open to them and what action to take in order to make the changes they want in their work or life

Coaching supports the individual to take responsibility for identifying their own goals, assessing their own strengths and areas for development and identifying their own solutions for moving forwards. My aim is to provide a safe, creative and non-judgemental space in which to ask thought-provoking questions and listen to help you explore, reflect, make decisions and explore inner barriers and emotions in order to achieve the goals that are important to you in the areas of your life that really matter.

Expect to stretch your mind in search of new perspectives and insights to problem solve, unlock barriers and explore your potential.

 “I really liked being outside, it made it easier to think things through. It helped that we had such a peaceful and calm place.  There was definitely a different dynamic which felt nurturing and nourishing.  I feel very clear about a plan moving forward and I’m going to take my staff out for walking supervision when the weather allows” NHS Modern Matron

Are you ready for coaching?

Contact Jane for a free introductory session. Telephone 07768921348 or email jane@woodscoaching.co.uk.