
“Jane specialises in ADHD coaching, & her insights really resonated with me, even without an official diagnosis. My always busy mind, constant activity, & dedication to client satisfaction made me realise the importance of self-care and self-love, something I often forget in the hustle. Jane's positive approach & unique coaching style can help you navigate your thoughts in a way that will help you with self growth and discovery too” Louise, Branding Photographer

I would highly recommend coaching with Jane. Her empathic, understanding and inquisitive style really supported me in achieving my goals and developing in my role. Her background in healthcare means she was able to relate to scenarios I described, and draw on her experience to guide learning and facilitate helpful, practical suggestions.
Clinical Psychologist NHS

“Jane’s compassion and empathic style truly complimented this coaching relationship. I felt nourished after each session due to her supportive curiosity, that enabled me to reflect and respond to my own issues in a positive, successful manner. She empowered me to make the necessary changes in my behaviours, completely honouring my values and strengths” -
Oncology and Haematology Service Manager NHS

“I was able to reflect on a meeting I had recently  and use the opportunity tree as a way of reframing the existing problems and I plan to use this approach with a management team when discussing culture within a service area. I also utilised some of the generative questions with colleagues and tried to explore possibilities with them rather than staying stuck in the problems” – Organisational Development Lead NHS

“I can genuinely feel the difference in my approach to certain individuals, and have seen my confidence in who I am and what value I bring increase significantly. It really has been an invaluable process so thank you. I still look at that tree line every day I walk home and remember that things will be better on the other side and that it is worth taking the long road round to get it right. Our sessions have been hugely helpful” - Head of Education and Apprenticeships NHS

“From the moment Jane and I met (virtually - which could have been more challenging, but wasn’t!) I felt comfortable and safe and she was able to make the experience warm and welcoming. Jane is a great coach and manages to combine the utmost professionalism with an empathetic and supportive approach. Jane provided structure to our sessions which enabled me to set my own goals and ultimately meet those within the coaching term. She is a great listener, non-judgemental, friendly and respectful and this enabled us to build a really good rapport and bring about excellent results. I found our sessions enjoyable and motivating, with sufficient challenge to allow me to work through some of the issues I had raised.  I would highly recommend Jane as a coach” - NHS Patient First Improvement Practitioner

“The coaching experience with Jane was very positive and I felt that she understood my issues and wanted to actively work with me on them. Jane quickly turned the issues into goals that I could expect to achieve in the 6 sessions and this helped me to focus. We reviewed the goals on the last session and it was possible to see the progress I had made during our time together. Jane was friendly, open, engaging and really encouraging. She helped me to see what my skills and abilities are, to separate thoughts from facts and to let go of what was not serving me.” - NHS Head of Digital Transformation

“I have had a very positive experience with my coach over the past 6 months. It has been challenging pushing forward and setting goals with the pandemic ongoing, but Jane has helped me to focus on and successfully address some challenges I have been facing at work, namely setting boundaries, working more reasonable hours and taking breaks and also getting to a stage where I feel more comfortable delegating work” - Associate Director, Strettons, Valuations and Advisory Services

“Working with Jane enabled me to get ‘to the bottom’ of what I want from my career and to put steps in place to achieve this. Along the way I was able to use techniques and ideas we discussed to develop the way I handled situations. This benefitted my ability to give feedback and be clear about expectations, to be more assertive and confident in meetings and so I felt more control of situations. I now feel much clearer on what I want, what I am good at, and how I can achieve my long term goals. Jane was sensitive to how each session was going and throughout all the sessions there was a good balance between challenge and support. Jane’s friendly manner helps in discussing some potentially difficult issues, that can act as barrier to moving forward if not tackled.  Jane regularly asked for feedback on how the sessions were going and her performance and I felt that she was always genuinely listening and open to feedback” - Healthwatch Deputy Manager and Engagement Lead

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