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Event Two

Resilient By Nature: outdoor wellbeing day retreat

Date: Saturday 25th June 11am until 4pm

Venue:  The Pavilion, Sculpture by the Lakes, Pallington Lakes, Pallington, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8QU


“My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style” – Maya Angelou

Feeling a bit flat, run down or even burnt out?  This day promises to soothe the mind and nourish the soul. Together, we will explore what nature has to teach us about our strengths, optimising our energy and exploring our inner resources in a space where we can reconnect with ourselves and with nature.  Explore your own wheel of wellbeing, discover your strengths, set some goals, immerse yourself in mindfulness, create some botanical prints with stamps from the English Stamp Company and try some untutored sketching in the beautiful surroundings of Sculpture by the Lakes. At the end of the day you’ll feel more confident to prioritise your own wellbeing to help you navigate life’s ups and downs.

Research suggests that time in nature can reduce stress levels, blood pressure, increase our attention, creativity, problem solving skills and improve our wellbeing (Atchley 2012 , Kondo 2018)

The day starts at 11am and we will finish at 4pm. Whatever the weather, we have the use of the Pavilion which will be our base for the day. Entrance fee to Sculpture by the Lakes is included. Lunch can be purchased from the Gallery Cafe or feel free to bring your own food. Suggestions of what to bring include: an iPad, notepad or something to capture notes, outdoor clothing, trainers, small rucksack, sunscreen, insect repellent and a cold drink.

The cost is £45 for the day which includes entrance fee and use of the Pavilion.

In these uncertain times, a 14 day cancellation policy means you can cancel your booking up to 14 days prior to the event and you will receive a refund. If you cancel within 14 days prior to the event you will be offered an alternative date for an event in the future.

Jane Woods is an ILM5 personal development and organisational coach with experience of coaching in the NHS and the private sector. She is also a cancer coach for two charities. More information can be found on her website:


7 May

Event One (now fully booked)

1 July

Event Three